High Altitude Public Speaking

High Altitude Public Speaking is my other company, a resource and treasure trove for public speaking teachers. I needed a way for these teachers to access my resources and support online. I wanted to blog, and I needed to link my Teachers Pay Teachers store to my website.


High Altitude Public Speaking

High Altitude Public Speaking’s website is inviting and fun to navigate. It provides useful information for public speaking teachers, and I included a link to the Teachers Pay Teachers store where I sell my teaching tools and public speaking curriculum. (I was an educator for 23 years.) I used some of my own photos and supplemented those photos with stock photos. Blog pages are summarized on the homepage, and my Instagram account is linked in the bottom so that it automatically updates on the website when I add a new post or reel.



High Altitude Public Speaking

Diane Green Design

This article was written by Diane Green, a Squarespace website designer and SEO expert who creates visually stunning and highly functional websites to help small businesses and entrepreneurs develop a strong online presence. To give your business the visibility it deserves, book a free strategy call today!


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